Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Review: Animal Feed Formulation: Economic and Computer Applications (Plant & Animal Science) (Paperback)

Animal Feed Formulation:
Economic and Computer Applications
(Plant & Animal Science) (Paperback)

by Gene M. Pesti (Author), Bill R. Miller (Author)

"The analysis of animal growth as a response to feeding has a long history in both animal science and agricultural economics..."

Editorial Reviews

Book Description

Students in animal science, industry personnel involved in the feeding of animals, and professionals working for feed-mixing companies will all benefit from this current, comprehensive package - a text on the economic and nutritional aspects of feed formulations that optimize nutritional content while minimizing costs.
Animal Feed Formulation applies a well-tested, easy-to-use computer program called UFFDA that illustrates the principles of least-cost food formulation. Developed in a cooperative effort by the Departments of Poultry Science and Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Georgia, UFFDA is menu-driven software that has the editing capabilities of a spreadsheet program for altering the ingredient and nutrient matrix.

The book begins by solving a simple ration-balancing problem, providing step-by-step instructions with the computer program that any user - even one without computer training - can readily follow. It then discusses specific feed formulation techniques in terms of their practical applications and economic implications. Included are such techniques as sensitivity analysis, parametric cost and nutrient ranging, optimum-density formulation, multi-blending, and risk analysis, among others. Applying these and other techniques using the special features of UFFDA, users can select the proper ingredients, adjust proportions among nutrients, determine which feeds might require scarce ingredients, consider the risks involved in dealing with ingredients with below-average compositions, and ultimately determine the costs and nutritional content of various feed formulations. The program can be applied to determining feed formulations for any animal, including sheep, beef and dairy cattle, swine, turkeys, broilers, catfish, and horses.
Practitioners who are growing animals will be able to maximize the nutritional content of their feed while keeping costs down. Professionals working in feed-mixing companies will be able to maximize profits by offering products composed of low-cost ingredients that are also of good nutritional value. Students will gain a firm background in nutritional and economic concepts, insight into how to apply them to practical problems, and an understanding of the way good nutrition and good value can be achieved by applying the latest computer technology.

Product Details

Paperback: 166 pages
Publisher: Springer (February 28, 1993)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0442013353
ISBN-13: 978-0442013356
Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.6 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces

Inside This Book

First Sentence:
The analysis of animal growth as a response to feeding has a long history in both animal science and agricultural economics.
Read the first page

Key Phrases - Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs):
cursor one page, starter premix, dummy nutrient, dry matter fed, feed specification, marginal price change, finisher feed, mixing sheet, formulating feeds, ingredient restrictions, cursor one space, poultry oil, mineral premix, menhaden fish meal, grower feed, nutrient minimums, wheat middlings, sweet feed, poultry fat, feed formulation, nutrient restrictions, feed cost, corn silage, carcass fat, feed consumed

Key Phrases - Capitalized Phrases (CAPs):
Equal Shadow Price Weight, Nutrient Ratios Nutrient, Cys Protein, Lysine Protein, Tryptophan Protein, Arginine Protein, Threonine Protein, Uncle Scott, Discussion Questions, Ingredient-Composition Matrix Used, Butterfat Daily, Calcium Protein, Sodium Protein, United States, Broiler Finishing Feed Containing, Calcium Avail, Daily Protein Intake, Protein Based, Histidine Protein, Leucine Protein, Salt Premix Premix, Tyr Protein, Valine Protein

Download: Feed formulation
UFFDA: User-Friendly Feed Formulation Program UFFDA.ZIP From the book Animal Feed Formulation - Economics and Computer Applications, by G. M. Pesti and B. R. Miller. The book is available from Chapman and Hall, (800) 842-3636.

Poultry Management Software : http://www.poultry.uga.edu/poultrysoftware.htm

1 comment:

SK Anuradha said...

Very useful information shared. Animal Feed In Chandigarh, also deals in animal fodder and its supplement, ranging from cattle feed to aquaculture. We place an immense effort in maintaining the quality of animal food we supply, also, we assure that the livestock feed supplied is unadulterated and infused with all the essential minerals, vitamins and amino acid which are easily soluble and digestible to the animal. A visible change with the improved feed conversion efficiency will be observed after feeding the animal continuously for a certain time interval.